Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got quite a few plausible five letter words starting with for.
Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:
Definition of foray
foray (noun)
- A sudden or irregular incursion in border warfare; hence, any irregular incursion for war or spoils; a raid.
- A brief excursion or attempt, especially outside one's accustomed sphere.
foray (verb)
- To scour (an area or place) for food, treasure, booty etc.
- To pillage; to ravage.
Definition of force
force (noun)
- Strength or energy of body or mind; active power; vigour; might; capacity of exercising an influence or producing an effect.
- Power exerted against will or consent; compulsory power; violence; coercion.
- Anything that is able to make a substantial change in a person or thing.
- A physical quantity that denotes ability to push, pull, twist or accelerate a body and which has a direction and is measured in a unit dimensioned in mass × distance/time² (ML/T²): SI: newton (N); CGS: dyne (dyn)
- Something or anything that has the power to produce a physical effect upon something else, such as causing it to move or change shape.
- A group that aims to attack, control, or constrain.
- The ability to attack, control, or constrain.
- A magic trick in which the outcome is known to the magician beforehand, especially one involving the apparent free choice of a card by another person.
- Legal validity.
- Either unlawful violence, as in a "forced entry", or lawful compulsion.
- Ability of an utterance or its element (word, form, prosody, ...) to effect a given meaning.
- (with the, often capitalized) A metaphysical and ubiquitous power from the fictional Star Wars universe created by George Lucas. See usage note.
force (verb)
- To violate (a woman); to rape.
- To exert oneself, to do one's utmost.
- To compel (someone or something) to do something.
- To constrain by force; to overcome the limitations or resistance of.
- To drive (something) by force, to propel (generally + prepositional phrase or adverb).
- To cause to occur (despite inertia, resistance etc.); to produce through force.
- To forcibly open (a door, lock etc.).
- To obtain or win by strength; to take by violence or struggle; specifically, to capture by assault; to storm, as a fortress.
- To create an out by touching a base in advance of a runner who has no base to return to while in possession of a ball which has already touched the ground.
- (whist) To compel (an adversary or partner) to trump a trick by leading a suit that he/she does not hold.
- To put in force; to cause to be executed; to make binding; to enforce.
- To provide with forces; to reinforce; to strengthen by soldiers; to man; to garrison.
- To allow the force of; to value; to care for.
force (noun)
- (law enforcement) Any police organization; a constabulary.
force (noun)
- A waterfall or cascade.
force (verb)
- To stuff; to lard; to farce.
Definition of forts
forts (noun)
- A fortified defensive structure stationed with troops.
- Any permanent army post.
- An outlying trading-station, as in British North America.
forts (verb)
- To create a fort, fortifications, a strong point, or a redoubt.
Definition of forum
forum (noun)
- A place for discussion.
- A gathering for the purpose of discussion.
- A form of discussion involving a panel of presenters and often participation by members of the audience.
- An Internet message board where users can post messages regarding one or more topics of discussion.
- A square or marketplace in a Roman town, used for public business and commerce.