5 letter words starting with flu

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got quite a few plausible five letter words starting with flu.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of fluff

fluff (noun)

  1. Anything light, soft or fuzzy, especially fur, hair, feathers.
  2. Anything inconsequential or superficial.
  3. A lapse or mistake, especially a mistake in an actor's lines.
  4. Marshmallow creme.
  5. A passive partner in a lesbian relationship.
  6. A fart.

fluff (verb)

  1. To make something fluffy.
  2. To become fluffy, puff up.
  3. To move lightly like fluff.
  4. (of an actor or announcer) To make a mistake in one's lines.
  5. To do incorrectly, for example mishit, miskick, miscue etc.
  6. To fart.
  7. To arouse (a male pornographic actor) before filming.

Definition of fluid

fluid (noun)

  1. Any substance which can flow with relative ease, tends to assume the shape of its container, and obeys Bernoulli's principle; a liquid, gas or plasma.
  2. A liquid (as opposed to a solid or gas).
  3. (specifically, typically in the plural) Intravenous fluids.

fluid (adjective)

  1. Of or relating to fluid.
  2. In a state of flux; subject to change.
  3. Moving smoothly, or giving the impression of a liquid in motion.
  4. (of an asset) Convertible into cash.
  5. Genderfluid.

Definition of flunk

flunk (verb)

  1. Of a student, to fail a class; to not pass.
  2. Of a teacher, to deny a student a passing grade.
  3. To shirk (a task or duty).
  4. To back out through fear. (Commonly in the phrase 'flunk it', the 'it' referring to a specific task avoided; sometimes without specific reference describing a person's attitude to life in general.)

Definition of flush

flush (noun)

  1. A group of birds that have suddenly started up from undergrowth, trees etc.

flush (verb)

  1. To cause to take flight from concealment.
  2. To take suddenly to flight, especially from cover.

flush (adjective)

  1. Smooth, even, aligned; not sticking out.
  2. Wealthy or well off.
  3. Short for flush left and right; a body of text aligned with both its left and right margins.
  4. Full of vigour; fresh; glowing; bright.
  5. Affluent; abounding; well furnished or suppled; hence, liberal; prodigal.

flush (noun)

  1. A sudden flowing; a rush which fills or overflows, as of water for cleansing purposes.
  2. Particularly, such a cleansing of a toilet.
  3. A suffusion of the face with blood, as from fear, shame, modesty, or intensity of feeling of any kind; a blush; a glow.
  4. Any tinge of red colour like that produced on the cheeks by a sudden rush of blood.
  5. A sudden flood or rush of feeling; a thrill of excitement, animation, etc.

flush (verb)

  1. To cleanse by flooding with generous quantities of a fluid.
  2. Particularly, to cleanse a toilet by introducing a large amount of water.
  3. To become suffused with reddish color due to embarrassment, excitement, overheating, or other systemic disturbance, to blush.
  4. To cause to blush.
  5. To cause to be full; to flood; to overflow; to overwhelm with water.
  6. To excite, inflame.
  7. (of a toilet) To be cleansed by being flooded with generous quantities of water.
  8. To clear (a buffer) of its contents.
  9. To flow and spread suddenly; to rush.
  10. To show red; to shine suddenly; to glow.
  11. To fill in (joints); to point the level; to make them flush.
  12. To operate a placer mine, where the continuous supply of water is insufficient, by holding back the water, and releasing it periodically in a flood.
  13. To fill underground spaces, especially in coal mines, with material carried by water, which, after drainage, constitutes a compact mass.
  14. To dispose or be disposed of by flushing down a toilet

flush (noun)

  1. A hand consisting of all cards with the same suit.