Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got quite a few plausible five letter words starting with flo.
Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:
Definition of float
float (noun)
- A buoyant device used to support something in water or another liquid.
- A mass of timber or boards fastened together, and conveyed down a stream by the current; a raft.
- A float board.
- A tool similar to a rasp, used in various trades.
- A sort of trowel used for finishing concrete surfaces or smoothing plaster.
- An elaborately decorated trailer or vehicle, intended for display in a parade or pageant.
- A small vehicle used for local deliveries, especially in the term milk float.
- Funds committed to be paid but not yet paid.
- (and other Commonwealth countries?) An offering of shares in a company (or units in a trust) to members of the public, normally followed by a listing on a stock exchange.
- The total amount of checks/cheques or other drafts written against a bank account but not yet cleared and charged against the account.
- Premiums taken in but not yet paid out.
- A floating-point number, especially one that has lower precision than a double.
- A soft beverage with a scoop of ice-cream floating in it.
- A small sum of money put in a cashier's till at the start of business to enable change to be made.
- A maneuver where a player calls on the flop or turn with a weak hand, with the intention of bluffing after a subsequent community card.
- One of the loose ends of yarn on an unfinished work.
- A car carrier or car transporter truck or truck-and-trailer combination
- A lowboy trailer
- (tempering) A device sending a copious stream of water to the heated surface of a bulky object, such as an anvil or die.
- The act of flowing; flux; flow.
- A quantity of earth, eighteen feet square and one foot deep.
- A polishing block used in marble working; a runner.
- A coal cart.
- A breakdancing move in which the body is held parallel to the floor while balancing on one or both hands.
- A visual style on a web page that causes the styled elements to float above or beside others.
float (verb)
- Of an object or substance, to be supported by a liquid of greater density than the object so as that part of the object or substance remains above the surface.
- To cause something to be suspended in a liquid of greater density.
- To be capable of floating.
- To move in a particular direction with the liquid in which one is floating
- To drift or wander aimlessly.
- To drift gently through the air.
- To move in a fluid manner.
- To circulate.
- (of an idea or scheme) To be viable.
- To propose (an idea) for consideration.
- To automatically adjust a parameter as related parameters change.
- (of currencies) To have an exchange value determined by the markets as opposed to by rule.
- To allow (the exchange value of a currency) to be determined by the markets.
- To extend a short-term loan to.
- To issue or sell shares in a company (or units in a trust) to members of the public, followed by listing on a stock exchange.
- To spread plaster over (a surface), using the tool called a float.
- To use a float (rasp-like tool) upon.
- To transport by float (vehicular trailer).
- To perform a float.
- To cause (an element within a document) to float above or beside others.
Definition of flogs
flogs (noun)
- A contemptible, often arrogant person.
flogs (verb)
- To whip or scourge someone or something as punishment.
- To use something to extreme; to abuse.
- To sell.
- To steal something.
- To defeat easily or convincingly.
- To exploit.
flogs (noun)
- A weblog designed to look authentic, but actually developed as part of a commercial marketing strategy to promote some product or service.
Definition of floss
floss (noun)
- A thread used to clean the gaps between the teeth.
- Raw silk fibres.
- The fibres covering a corncob etc.; the loose downy or silky material inside the husks of certain plants, such as beans.
- Any thread-like material having parallel strands that are not spun or wound around each other.
- Spun sugar or cotton candy, especially in the phrase "candy floss".
- A body feather of an ostrich.
- A dance move in which the dancer repeatedly swings their arms, with clenched fists, from the back of their body to the front, on each side.
floss (verb)
- To clean the area between the teeth using floss.
- To show off, especially by exhibiting one's wealth or talent.
- To perform the floss dance move.
floss (noun)
- A small stream of water.
- Fluid glass floating on iron in the puddling furnace, produced by the vitrification of oxides and earths which are present.
Definition of flows
flows (noun)
- A movement in people or things with a particular way in large numbers or amounts
- The movement of a real or figurative fluid.
- A formalization of the idea of the motion of particles in a fluid, as a group action of the real numbers on a set.
- The rising movement of the tide.
- Smoothness or continuity.
- The amount of a fluid that moves or the rate of fluid movement.
- A flow pipe, carrying liquid away from a boiler or other central plant (compare with return pipe which returns fluid to central plant).
- A mental state characterized by concentration, focus and enjoyment of a given task.
- The emission of blood during menstruation.
- The ability to skilfully rap along to a beat.
flows (verb)
- To move as a fluid from one position to another.
- To proceed; to issue forth.
- To move or match smoothly, gracefully, or continuously.
- To have or be in abundance; to abound, so as to run or flow over.
- To hang loosely and wave.
- To rise, as the tide; opposed to ebb.
- To arrange (text in a wordprocessor, etc.) so that it wraps neatly into a designated space; to reflow.
- To cover with water or other liquid; to overflow; to inundate; to flood.
- To cover with varnish.
- To discharge excessive blood from the uterus.
flows (noun)
- A morass or marsh.
Definition of flowy
flowy (adjective)
- Flowing; able to flow.