5 letter words starting with fle

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got quite a few plausible five letter words starting with fle.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of fleek

fleek (adjective)

  1. (of eyebrows or hair) Sleek and perfectly groomed or styled.
  2. (of an article of clothing or outfit) Stylish and perfectly chosen or put together.
  3. Perfect; spot on; flawless.

Definition of fleer

fleer (noun)

  1. Mockery; derision

fleer (verb)

  1. To make a wry face in contempt, or to grin in scorn
  2. To grin with an air of civility; to leer.

fleer (noun)

  1. One who flees

Definition of flesh

flesh (noun)

  1. The soft tissue of the body, especially muscle and fat.
  2. The skin of a human or animal.
  3. (by extension) Bare arms, bare legs, bare torso.
  4. Animal tissue regarded as food; meat (but sometimes excluding fish).
  5. The human body as a physical entity.
  6. The mortal body of a human being, contrasted with the spirit or soul.
  7. The evil and corrupting principle working in man.
  8. The soft, often edible, parts of fruits or vegetables.
  9. Tenderness of feeling; gentleness.
  10. Kindred; stock; race.
  11. A yellowish pink colour; the colour of some Caucasian human skin.

flesh (verb)

  1. To reward (a hound, bird of prey etc.) with flesh of the animal killed, to excite it for further hunting; to train (an animal) to have an appetite for flesh.
  2. To bury (something, especially a weapon) in flesh.
  3. To inure or habituate someone in or to a given practice.
  4. To glut.
  5. To put flesh on; to fatten.
  6. To remove the flesh from the skin during the making of leather.

Definition of flews

flews (noun)

  1. (chiefly plural) The thick, dangling upper lip of certain breeds of dog, or the canine equivalent of the upper lip.