5 letter words starting with fla

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got quite a few plausible five letter words starting with fla.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of flake

flake (noun)

  1. A loose filmy mass or a thin chiplike layer of anything
  2. A scale of a fish or similar animal
  3. A prehistoric tool chipped out of stone.
  4. A person who is impractical, flighty, unreliable, or inconsistent; especially with maintaining a living.
  5. A carnation with only two colours in the flower, the petals having large stripes.
  6. A flat turn or tier of rope.

flake (verb)

  1. To break or chip off in a flake.
  2. To prove unreliable or impractical; to abandon or desert, to fail to follow through.
  3. To store an item such as rope or sail in layers
  4. To hit (another person).

flake (noun)

  1. Dogfish.
  2. The meat of the gummy shark.

flake (noun)

  1. Something which is not genuine, or is presented fraudulently.
  2. A trick; a swindle.
  3. A move meant to deceive an opposing player, used for gaining advantage for example when dribbling an opponent.

flake (noun)

  1. One of the circles or windings of a cable or hawser, as it lies in a coil; a single turn or coil.

flake (noun)

  1. A paling; a hurdle.
  2. A platform of hurdles, or small sticks made fast or interwoven, supported by stanchions, for drying codfish and other things.
  3. A small stage hung over a vessel's side, for workmen to stand on while calking, etc.

Definition of flare

flare (noun)

  1. A sudden bright light.
  2. A source of brightly burning light or intense heat.
  3. A sudden eruption or outbreak; a flare-up.
  4. A widening of an object with an otherwise roughly constant width.
  5. (in plural) Bell-bottom trousers.
  6. The transition from downward flight to level flight just before landing.
  7. A low fly ball that is hit in the region between the infielders and the outfielders.
  8. A route run by the running back, releasing toward the sideline and then slightly arcing upfield looking for a short pass.
  9. Short for lens flare.

flare (verb)

  1. To cause to burn.
  2. To cause inflammation; to inflame.
  3. To open outward in shape.
  4. To (operate an aircraft to) transition from downward flight to level flight just before landing.
  5. To blaze brightly.
  6. To shine out with a sudden and unsteady light; to emit a dazzling or painfully bright light.
  7. To shine out with gaudy colours; to be offensively bright or showy.
  8. To suddenly happen or intensify.
  9. To suddenly erupt in anger.
  10. To be exposed to too much light.

Definition of flash

flash (noun)

  1. A device that produces a short flash of light to help illuminate a scene, mostly for night-time or indoors photography.

flash (noun)

  1. A sudden, short, temporary burst of light.
  2. A very short amount of time.
  3. A flashlight; an electric torch.
  4. A sudden and brilliant burst, as of genius or wit.
  5. Material left around the edge of a moulded part at the parting line of the mould.
  6. (Cockney) The strips of bright cloth or buttons worn around the collars of market traders.
  7. A pattern where each prop is thrown and caught only once.
  8. A language, created by a minority to maintain cultural identity, that cannot be understood by the ruling class.
  9. A preparation of capsicum, burnt sugar, etc., for colouring liquor to make it look stronger.
  10. A form of military insignia.
  11. Any of various lycaenid butterflies of the genera Artipe, Deudorix and Rapala.
  12. A tattoo flash.
  13. The sudden sensation of being "high" after taking a recreational drug.
  14. A newsflash.

flash (verb)

  1. To cause to shine briefly or intermittently.
  2. To blink; to shine or illuminate intermittently.
  3. To be visible briefly.
  4. To make visible briefly.
  5. To briefly, and often unintentionally, expose one's naked body or underwear, or part of it, in public. (Contrast streak.)
  6. To show or expose an "inappropriate" part of the body to someone for humorous reasons or as an act of contempt.
  7. To break forth like a sudden flood of light; to show a momentary brilliance.
  8. To flaunt; to display in a showy manner.
  9. To communicate quickly.
  10. To move, or cause to move, suddenly.
  11. To telephone a person, only allowing the phone to ring once, in order to request a call back.
  12. (of liquid) To evaporate suddenly. (See flash evaporation.)
  13. To climb (a route) successfully on the first attempt.
  14. To write to the memory of (an updatable component such as a BIOS chip or games cartridge).
  15. (glassmaking) To cover with a thin layer, as objects of glass with glass of a different colour.
  16. (glassmaking) To expand (blown glass) into a disc.
  17. To send by some startling or sudden means.
  18. To burst out into violence.
  19. To perform a flash.
  20. To release the pressure from a pressurized vessel.
  21. To trick up in a showy manner.
  22. To strike and throw up large bodies of water from the surface; to splash.

flash (adjective)

  1. Expensive-looking and demanding attention; stylish; showy.
  2. (of a person) Having plenty of ready money.
  3. (of a person) Liable to show off expensive possessions or money.
  4. Occurring very rapidly, almost instantaneously.
  5. Relating to thieves and vagabonds.

flash (noun)

  1. A pool.
  2. A reservoir and sluiceway beside a navigable stream, just above a shoal, so that the stream may pour in water as boats pass, and thus bear them over the shoal.

Definition of flays

flays (verb)

  1. To cause to fly; put to flight; drive off (by frightening).
  2. To frighten; scare; terrify.
  3. To be fear-stricken.

flays (verb)

  1. To strip skin off
  2. To lash