Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got a few plausible five letter words starting with fix.
Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:
Definition of fixed
fixed (verb)
- To pierce; now generally replaced by transfix.
- To attach; to affix; to hold in place or at a particular time.
- To mend, to repair.
- To prepare (food or drink).
- To make (a contest, vote, or gamble) unfair; to privilege one contestant or a particular group of contestants, usually before the contest begins; to arrange immunity for defendants by tampering with the justice system via bribery or extortion
- To surgically render an animal, especially a pet, infertile.
- (sematics) To map a (point or subset) to itself.
- To take revenge on, to best; to serve justice on an assumed miscreant.
- To render (a photographic impression) permanent by treating with such applications as will make it insensitive to the action of light.
- To convert into a stable or available form.
- To become fixed; to settle or remain permanently; to cease from wandering; to rest.
- To become firm, so as to resist volatilization; to cease to flow or be fluid; to congeal; to become hard and malleable, as a metallic substance.
fixed (adjective)
- Not changing, not able to be changed, staying the same.
- Stationary.
- Attached; affixed.
- Chemically stable.
- Supplied with what one needs.
- Of sound, recorded on a permanent medium.
- Surgically rendered infertile (spayed, neutered or castrated).
- Rigged; fraudulently prearranged.
- (of a problem) Resolved; corrected.
- Repaired
Definition of fixer
fixer (noun)
- Agent noun of fix; one who, or that which, fixes.
- A chemical (sodium thiosulfate) used in photographic development that fixes the image in place, preventing further chemical reactions.
- (criminal justice) A person who arranges immunity for defendants by tampering with the justice system via bribery or extortion, especially as a business endeavor for profit.
- A person who assists foreign journalists in volatile countries, often providing interpretation, personal connections, and transportation services.
- A fixer-upper.
Definition of fixes
fixes (noun)
- A repair or corrective action.
- A difficult situation; a quandary or dilemma; a predicament.
- A single dose of an addictive drug administered to a drug user.
- A prearrangement of the outcome of a supposedly competitive process, such as a sporting event, a game, an election, a trial, or a bid.
- A determination of location.
- Fettlings (mixture used to line a furnace)
fixes (verb)
- To pierce; now generally replaced by transfix.
- To attach; to affix; to hold in place or at a particular time.
- To mend, to repair.
- To prepare (food or drink).
- To make (a contest, vote, or gamble) unfair; to privilege one contestant or a particular group of contestants, usually before the contest begins; to arrange immunity for defendants by tampering with the justice system via bribery or extortion
- To surgically render an animal, especially a pet, infertile.
- (sematics) To map a (point or subset) to itself.
- To take revenge on, to best; to serve justice on an assumed miscreant.
- To render (a photographic impression) permanent by treating with such applications as will make it insensitive to the action of light.
- To convert into a stable or available form.
- To become fixed; to settle or remain permanently; to cease from wandering; to rest.
- To become firm, so as to resist volatilization; to cease to flow or be fluid; to congeal; to become hard and malleable, as a metallic substance.
Definition of fixie
fixie (noun)
- A fixed-gear bicycle.