5 letter words starting with fat

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got a few plausible five letter words starting with fat.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of fated

fated (verb)

  1. To foreordain or predetermine, to make inevitable.

fated (adjective)

  1. Foreordained, predetermined, established in advance by fate.

Definition of fates

fates (noun)

  1. The presumed cause, force, principle, or divine will that predetermines events.
  2. The effect, consequence, outcome, or inevitable events predetermined by this cause.
  3. An event or a situation which is inevitable in the fullness of time.
  4. Destiny; often with a connotation of death, ruin, misfortune, etc.
  5. Alternative letter-case form of Fate (one of the goddesses said to control the destiny of human beings).

fates (verb)

  1. To foreordain or predetermine, to make inevitable.

Definition of fatty

fatty (adjective)

  1. Containing, composed of, or consisting of fat.
  2. Like fat; greasy.
  3. Literally or figuratively large.

fatty (noun)

  1. An obese person.
  2. A large marijuana cigar; a blunt.

Definition of fatwa

fatwa (noun)

  1. A legal opinion, decree or ruling issued by a mufti or other Islamic lawyer.

fatwa (verb)

  1. To make somebody the subject of a fatwa, especially a ban or death sentence.