5 letter words starting with dra

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got quite a few plausible five letter words starting with dra.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of drawl

drawl (noun)

  1. A way of speaking slowly while lengthening vowel sounds and running words together. Characteristic of some southern US accents, as well as Scots.

drawl (verb)

  1. To drag on slowly and heavily; to while or dawdle away time indolently.
  2. To utter or pronounce in a dull, spiritless tone, as if by dragging out the utterance.
  3. To move slowly and heavily; move in a dull, slow, lazy manner.
  4. To speak with a slow, spiritless utterance, from affectation, laziness, or lack of interest.

Definition of drawn

drawn (verb)

  1. To move or develop something.
  2. To exert or experience force.
  3. (fluidic) To remove or separate or displace.
  4. To change in size or shape.
  5. To attract or be attracted.
  6. (usually as draw on or draw upon) To rely on; utilize as a source.
  7. To disembowel.
  8. To end a game in a draw (with neither side winning).
  9. To choose by means of a random selection process.
  10. To make a shot that lands gently in the house (the circular target) without knocking out other stones.
  11. To play (a short-length ball directed at the leg stump) with an inclined bat so as to deflect the ball between the legs and the wicket.
  12. To hit (the ball) with the toe of the club so that it is deflected toward the left.
  13. To strike (the cue ball) below the center so as to give it a backward rotation which causes it to take a backward direction on striking another ball.

drawn (adjective)

  1. Appearing tired and unwell, as from stress; haggard.
  2. Of a game: undecided; having no definite winner and loser.

Definition of draws

draws (noun)

  1. The result of a contest that neither side has won; a tie.
  2. The procedure by which the result of a lottery is determined.
  3. Something that attracts e.g. a crowd.
  4. The result of a two-innings match in which at least one side did not complete all their innings before time ran out (as distinguished from a tie).
  5. A golf shot that (for the right-handed player) curves intentionally to the left. See hook, slice, fade.
  6. A shot that is intended to land gently in the house (the circular target) without knocking out other stones; cf. takeout.
  7. A dry stream bed that drains surface water only during periods of heavy rain or flooding.
  8. A bag of cannabis.
  9. Cannabis.
  10. In a commission-based job, an advance on future (potential) commissions given to an employee by the employer.
  11. A situation in which one or more players has four cards of the same suit or four out of five necessary cards for a straight and requires a further card to make their flush or straight.
  12. The act of pulling back the strings in preparation of firing.
  13. The spin or twist imparted to a ball etc. by a drawing stroke.

draws (verb)

  1. To move or develop something.
  2. To exert or experience force.
  3. (fluidic) To remove or separate or displace.
  4. To change in size or shape.
  5. To attract or be attracted.
  6. (usually as draw on or draw upon) To rely on; utilize as a source.
  7. To disembowel.
  8. To end a game in a draw (with neither side winning).
  9. To choose by means of a random selection process.
  10. To make a shot that lands gently in the house (the circular target) without knocking out other stones.
  11. To play (a short-length ball directed at the leg stump) with an inclined bat so as to deflect the ball between the legs and the wicket.
  12. To hit (the ball) with the toe of the club so that it is deflected toward the left.
  13. To strike (the cue ball) below the center so as to give it a backward rotation which causes it to take a backward direction on striking another ball.