5 letter words starting with dop

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got a few plausible five letter words starting with dop.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of doped

doped (verb)

  1. To affect with drugs.
  2. To treat with dope (lubricant, etc.).
  3. To add a dopant such as arsenic to (a pure semiconductor such as silicon).
  4. To use drugs; especially, to use prohibited performance-enhancing drugs in sporting competitions.
  5. To judge or guess; to predict the result of.

doped (adjective)

  1. Drugged.
  2. Describing a semiconductor that has had small amounts of elements added to create charge carriers.
  3. Covered with dope, a glue or paint like pore filler.

Definition of dopes

dopes (noun)

  1. Any viscous liquid or paste, such as a lubricant, used in preparing a surface.
  2. An absorbent material used to hold a liquid.
  3. Any varnish used to coat a part, such as an airplane wing or a hot-air balloon in order to waterproof, strengthen, etc.
  4. Any illicit or narcotic drug that produces euphoria or satisfies an addiction; particularly heroin.
  5. Information, usually from an inside source, originally in horse racing and other sports.
  6. (fireams) Ballistic data on previously fired rounds, used to calculate the required hold over a target.
  7. A stupid person.
  8. Dessert topping.

dopes (verb)

  1. To affect with drugs.
  2. To treat with dope (lubricant, etc.).
  3. To add a dopant such as arsenic to (a pure semiconductor such as silicon).
  4. To use drugs; especially, to use prohibited performance-enhancing drugs in sporting competitions.
  5. To judge or guess; to predict the result of.