Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got quite a few plausible five letter words starting with cra.
Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:
Definition of crack
crack (noun)
- A thin and usually jagged space opened in a previously solid material.
- A narrow opening.
- A sharply humorous comment; a wisecrack.
- Crack cocaine, a potent, relatively cheap, addictive variety of cocaine; often a rock, usually smoked through a crack-pipe.
- The sharp sound made when solid material breaks.
- Any sharp sound.
- A sharp, resounding blow.
- An attempt at something.
- Vagina.
- The space between the buttocks.
- Conviviality; fun; good conversation, chat, gossip, or humorous storytelling; good company.
- Business; events; news.
- A program or procedure designed to circumvent restrictions or usage limits on software.
- (elsewhere throughout the North of the UK) a meaningful chat.
- Extremely silly, absurd or off-the-wall ideas or prose.
- The tone of voice when changed at puberty.
- A mental flaw; a touch of craziness; partial insanity.
- A crazy or crack-brained person.
- A boast; boasting.
- Breach of chastity.
- A boy, generally a pert, lively boy.
- A brief time; an instant; a jiffy.
crack (verb)
- To form cracks.
- To break apart under pressure.
- To become debilitated by psychological pressure.
- To break down or yield, especially under interrogation or torture.
- To make a cracking sound.
- (of a voice) To change rapidly in register.
- (of a pubescent boy's voice) To alternate between high and low register in the process of eventually lowering.
- To make a sharply humorous comment.
- To make a crack or cracks in.
- To break open or crush to small pieces by impact or stress.
- To strike forcefully.
- To open slightly.
- To cause to yield under interrogation or other pressure. (Figurative)
- To solve a difficult problem. (Figurative, from cracking a nut.)
- To overcome a security system or a component.
- To cause to make a sharp sound.
- To tell (a joke).
- To break down (a complex molecule), especially with the application of heat: to pyrolyse.
- To circumvent software restrictions such as regional coding or time limits.
- To open a canned beverage, or any packaged drink or food.
- To brag, boast.
- To be ruined or impaired; to fail.
crack (adjective)
- Highly trained and competent.
- Excellent, first-rate, superior, top-notch.
Definition of crape
crape (noun)
- Mourning garments, especially an armband or hatband.
crape (verb)
- To form into ringlets; to curl or crimp.
- To clothe in crape.
crape (noun)
- A flat round pancake-like pastry from Lower Brittany, made with wheat.
- A soft thin light fabric with a crinkled surface.
- Crepe paper; thin, crinkled tissue paper.
- Rubber in sheets, used especially for shoe soles.
- A death notice printed on white card with a background of black crepe paper or cloth, placed on the door of a residence or business.
Definition of craps
craps (noun)
- A game of gambling, or chance, where the players throw dice to make scores and avoid crap.
craps (noun)
- The husk of grain; chaff.
- (mildly) Something worthless or of poor quality; junk.
- (mildly) Nonsense; something untrue.
- (mildly) Faeces/feces.
- (mildly) An act of defecation.
craps (noun)
- A losing throw of 2, 3, or 12 in craps.
craps (verb)
- To defecate.
- To defecate in or on (clothing etc.).
- To bullshit.