5 letter words starting with coo

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got quite a few plausible five letter words starting with coo.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of cooch

cooch (noun)

  1. The hootchy-kootchy, a type of erotic dance.
  2. (chiefly US) The vagina or vulva.

Definition of coons

coons (noun)

  1. (racial slur) A black person.
  2. A raccoon.
  3. A member of a colourfully dressed dance troupe in Cape Town during New Year celebrations.
  4. A coonass; a white Acadian French person who lives in the swamps.
  5. A sly fellow.
  6. A black person who "plays the coon"; that is, who plays the dated stereotype of a black fool for an audience, particularly including Caucasians.

coons (verb)

  1. To hunt raccoons.
  2. To traverse by crawling, as a ledge.
  3. To crawl while straddling, especially in crossing a creek.
  4. (Georgia (US)) To fish by noodling, by feeling for large fish in underwater holes.
  5. (of an African American) To play the dated stereotype of a black fool for an audience, particularly including Caucasians.
  6. To steal.

Definition of coops

coops (noun)

  1. A unit of a housing co-operative; a purchased apartment where the apartment owners collectively are responsible for maintenance of common areas and upkeep.
  2. Any co-operative, including housing, retail, utility, agricultural, banking or worker cooperatives.
  3. Any shop owned by a co-operative.
  4. A co-operative game, as opposed to a competitive game or deathmatch.

coops (noun)

  1. A basket, pen or enclosure for birds or small animals.
  2. A wickerwork basket (kipe) or other enclosure for catching fish.
  3. A narrow place of confinement, a cage; a jail, a prison.
  4. A barrel or cask for holding liquids.

coops (verb)

  1. To keep in a coop.
  2. To shut up or confine in a narrow space; to cramp.
  3. To unlawfully confine one or more voters to prevent them from casting their ballots in an election.
  4. (law enforcement) Of a police officer: to sleep or relax while on duty.
  5. To make or repair barrels, casks and other wooden vessels; to work upon in the manner of a cooper.

coops (noun)

  1. A cart with sides and ends made from boards, enabling it to carry manure, etc.
  2. A cart which opens at the back to release its load; a tumbril.

coops (noun)

  1. A small heap.