5 letter words starting with cod

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got a few plausible five letter words starting with cod.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of codas

codas (noun)

  1. A person born hearing to deaf parents.

codas (noun)

  1. A passage that brings a movement or piece to a conclusion through prolongation.
  2. The optional final part of a syllable, placed after its nucleus, and usually composed of one or more consonants.
  3. In seismograms, the gradual return to baseline after a seismic event. The length of the coda can be used to estimate event magnitude, and the shape sometimes reveals details of subsurface structures.
  4. A conclusion (of a statement or event, for example), final portion, tail end.

Definition of coded

coded (verb)

  1. To write software programs.
  2. To add codes to a dataset.
  3. To categorise by assigning identifiers from a schedule, for example CPT coding for medical insurance purposes.
  4. To encode.
  5. To encode a protein.
  6. To call a hospital emergency code.

coded (verb)

  1. Of a patient, to suffer a sudden medical emergency (a code blue) such as cardiac arrest.

coded (adjective)

  1. Encoded; written in code or cipher.

Definition of codes

codes (noun)

  1. A short symbol, often with little relation to the item it represents.
  2. A body of law, sanctioned by legislation, in which the rules of law to be specifically applied by the courts are set forth in systematic form; a compilation of laws by public authority; a digest.
  3. Any system of principles, rules or regulations relating to one subject.
  4. A set of rules for converting information into another form or representation.
  5. A message represented by rules intended to conceal its meaning.
  6. A cryptographic system using a codebook that converts words or phrases into codewords.
  7. Instructions for a computer, written in a programming language; the input of a translator, an interpreter or a browser, namely: source code, machine code, bytecode.
  8. (scientific programming) A program.
  9. A particular lect or language variety.
  10. An emergency requiring situation-trained members of the staff.

codes (verb)

  1. To write software programs.
  2. To add codes to a dataset.
  3. To categorise by assigning identifiers from a schedule, for example CPT coding for medical insurance purposes.
  4. To encode.
  5. To encode a protein.
  6. To call a hospital emergency code.

codes (verb)

  1. Of a patient, to suffer a sudden medical emergency (a code blue) such as cardiac arrest.

Definition of codex

codex (noun)

  1. An early manuscript book.
  2. A book bound in the modern manner, by joining pages, as opposed to a rolled scroll.
  3. An official list of medicines and medicinal ingredients.