Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got a few plausible five letter words starting with coc.
Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:
Definition of cocks
cocks (noun)
- A male bird, especially:
- A valve or tap for controlling flow in plumbing.
- The hammer of a firearm trigger mechanism.
- The notch of an arrow or crossbow.
- The penis.
- The circle at the end of the rink.
- The state of being cocked; an upward turn, tilt or angle.
- A stupid person.
- Nonsense; rubbish.
- (Tasmania) Term of address.
- A boastful tilt of one's head or hat.
- Shuttlecock
- A vane in the shape of a cock; a weathercock.
- A chief man; a leader or master.
- The crow of a cock, especially the first crow in the morning; cockcrow.
- A male fish, especially a salmon or trout.
- The style or gnomon of a sundial.
- The indicator of a balance.
- The bridge piece that affords a bearing for the pivot of a balance in a clock or watch.
cocks (verb)
- To lift the cock of a firearm or crossbow; to prepare (a gun or crossbow) to be fired.
- To be prepared to be triggered by having the cock lifted.
- To erect; to turn up.
- To copulate with.
- To turn or twist something upwards or to one side; to lift or tilt (e.g. headwear) boastfully.
- To turn (the eye) obliquely and partially close its lid, as an expression of derision or insinuation.
- To strut; to swagger; to look big, pert, or menacing.
- To make a nestle-cock of, to pamper or spoil (of children)
cocks (noun)
- (where it is still sometimes used) Vulva, vagina.
cocks (noun)
- A small conical pile of hay.
cocks (verb)
- To form into piles.
cocks (noun)
- Abbreviation of cock-boat, a type of small boat.
Definition of cocky
cocky (adjective)
- Overly confident; arrogant and boastful.
cocky (noun)
- Used as a term of endearment, originally for a person of either sex, but later primarily for a man.
cocky (noun)
- A (familiar name for a) cockatoo.
- Short for cockatoo farmer; (by extension) any farmer or owner of rural land.
cocky (verb)
- To operate a small-scale farm.
Definition of cocoa
cocoa (noun)
- The dried and partially fermented fatty seeds of the cacao tree from which chocolate is made.
- An unsweetened brown powder made from roasted, ground cocoa beans, used in making chocolate, and in cooking.
- A hot drink made with milk, cocoa powder, and sugar.
- A serving of this drink.
- A light to medium brown colour.
cocoa (adjective)
- Of a light to medium brown colour, like that of cocoa powder.
cocoa (noun)
- Coconut palm.
- Coconut, the fruit of the coconut palm.
Definition of cocos
cocos (noun)
- Coconut palm.
- Coconut, the fruit of the coconut palm.