5 letter words starting with cli

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got quite a few plausible five letter words starting with cli.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of climb

climb (noun)

  1. An act of climbing.
  2. The act of getting to somewhere more elevated.
  3. An upwards struggle

climb (verb)

  1. To ascend; rise; to go up.
  2. To mount; to move upwards on.
  3. To scale; to get to the top of something.
  4. To move (especially up and down something) by gripping with the hands and using the feet.
  5. To practise the sport of climbing
  6. To jump high
  7. To move to a higher position on the social ladder.
  8. Of plants, to grow upwards by clinging to something.

Definition of clink

clink (noun)

  1. The sound of metal on metal, or glass on glass.

clink (verb)

  1. To make a clinking sound; to make a sound of metal on metal or glass on glass; to strike materials such as metal or glass against one another.
  2. To rhyme.

clink (noun)

  1. A prison.
  2. Stress cracks produced in metal ingots as they cool after being cast.

clink (verb)

  1. To clinch; to rivet.

Definition of clips

clips (noun)

  1. Something which clips or grasps; a device for attaching one object to another.
  2. An unspecified but normally understood as rapid speed or pace.
  3. An embrace.
  4. A frame containing a number of bullets which is intended to be inserted into the magazine of a firearm to allow for rapid reloading.
  5. A projecting flange on the upper edge of a horseshoe, turned up so as to embrace the lower part of the hoof; a toe clip or beak.
  6. A gaff or hook for landing the fish, as in salmon fishing.

clips (verb)

  1. To grip tightly.
  2. To fasten with a clip.
  3. To hug, embrace.
  4. To collect signatures, generally with the use of a clipboard.

clips (noun)

  1. Something which has been clipped from a larger whole:
  2. An act of clipping, such as a haircut.
  3. The condition of something, its state.
  4. A blow with the hand (often in the set phrase clip round the ear)

clips (verb)

  1. To cut, especially with scissors or shears as opposed to a knife etc.
  2. To curtail; to cut short.
  3. To strike with the hand.
  4. To hit or strike, especially in passing.
  5. An illegal tackle: Throwing the body across the back of an opponent's leg or hitting him from the back below the waist while moving up from behind unless the opponent is a runner or the action is in close line play.
  6. To cut off a signal level at a certain maximum value.
  7. To discard (an occluded part of a model or scene) rather than waste resources on rendering it.
  8. (Of a camera, character model, etc.) To move (through or into) (a rendered object or barrier).
  9. To cheat, swindle, or fleece.
  10. To grab or take stealthily