5 letter words starting with cho

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got quite a few plausible five letter words starting with cho.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of chode

chode (verb)

  1. To admonish in blame; to reproach angrily.
  2. To utter words of disapprobation and displeasure; to find fault; to contend angrily.
  3. To make a clamorous noise; to chafe.

chode (noun)

  1. A penis, especially one that is short and thick.
  2. A loser or undesirable person; an insulting name.
  3. The perineum.

Definition of choli

choli (noun)

  1. A short-sleeved blouse worn under a sari; an Indian underbodice.

Definition of cholo

cholo (noun)

  1. A Mexican or Hispanic gang member, or somebody perceived to embody similar characteristics.

Definition of chops

chops (noun)

  1. A cut of meat, often containing a section of a rib.
  2. A blow with an axe, cleaver, or similar utensil.
  3. A blow delivered with the hand rigid and outstretched.
  4. Ocean waves, generally caused by wind, distinguished from swell by being smaller and not lasting as long.
  5. A hand where two or more players have an equal-valued hand, resulting in the chips being shared equally between them.
  6. (with "the") Termination, especially from employment; the sack.
  7. A woodchopping competition.
  8. A crack or cleft; a chap.

chops (verb)

  1. To cut into pieces with short, vigorous cutting motions.
  2. To sever with an axe or similar implement.
  3. To give a downward cutting blow or movement, typically with the side of the hand.
  4. To hit the ball downward so that it takes a high bounce.
  5. To divide the pot (or tournament prize) between two or more players.
  6. To make a quick, heavy stroke or a series of strokes, with or as with an ax.
  7. To do something suddenly with an unexpected motion; to catch or attempt to seize.
  8. To interrupt; with in or out.
  9. (Perl) To remove the final character from (a text string).

chops (noun)

  1. A turn of fortune; change; a vicissitude.

chops (verb)

  1. To exchange, to barter; to swap.
  2. To chap or crack.
  3. To vary or shift suddenly.
  4. To twist words.
  5. To converse, discuss, or speak with another.

chops (noun)

  1. (chiefly in the plural) A jaw of an animal.
  2. A movable jaw or cheek, as of a vice.
  3. The land at each side of the mouth of a river, harbour, or channel.

chops (noun)

  1. An official stamp or seal, as in China and India.
  2. A mark indicating nature, quality, or brand.
  3. A license or passport that has been sealed.
  4. A complete shipment.

chops (noun)

  1. An IRC channel operator.

chops (noun)

  1. Jaws, mouth.
  2. One's skill at musical interpretation and delivery (originally of jazz); musical performance ability.
  3. One's skill at any endeavor; ability, talent; competency.
  4. The area where two tides meet and cause an irregular (choppy) sea.
  5. A pattern that involves carrying the object with the hand over the next object before throwing it.

chops (verb)

  1. To talk, chat; also, to talk back, to be cheeky.

Definition of chose

chose (verb)

  1. To pick; to make the choice of; to select.
  2. To elect.
  3. To decide to act in a certain way.
  4. To wish; to desire; to prefer.

chose (noun)

  1. A thing; personal property.