Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got quite a few plausible five letter words starting with can.
Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:
Definition of canes
canes (noun)
- A plant with simple stems, like bamboo or sugar cane, or the stem thereof
- The stem of such a plant adapted for use as a tool
- A rod-shaped tool or device, somewhat like a cane
- Split rattan, as used in wickerwork, basketry and the like
- A local European measure of length; the canna.
canes (verb)
- To strike or beat with a cane or similar implement
- To destroy; to comprehensively defeat
- To do something well, in a competent fashion
- To produce extreme pain
- To make or furnish with cane or rattan.
canes (noun)
- The genus Arundinaria, the sole temperate genus of bamboo native to the New World.
Definition of canny
canny (adjective)
- Careful, prudent, cautious.
- Knowing, shrewd, astute.
- Frugal, thrifty.
- Pleasant, fair, favorable or agreeable to deal with.
- Gentle, quiet, steady.
canny (adverb)
- Very, considerably; quite, rather.
- Gently, quietly; carefully, skilfully.
canny (adjective)
- (especially of sound) Sounding as if it is coming through a tin can.
Definition of canon
canon (noun)
- A generally accepted principle; a rule.
- A group of literary works that are generally accepted as representing a field.
- The works of a writer that have been accepted as authentic.
- A eucharistic prayer, particularly the Roman Canon.
- A religious law or body of law decreed by the church.
- A catalogue of saints acknowledged and canonized in the Roman Catholic Church.
- In monasteries, a book containing the rules of a religious order.
- A member of a cathedral chapter; one who possesses a prebend in a cathedral or collegiate church.
- A piece of music in which the same melody is played by different voices, but beginning at different times; a round.
- (Roman law) A rent or stipend payable at some regular time, generally annual, e.g., canon frumentarius
- Those sources, especially including literary works, which are considered part of the main continuity regarding a given fictional universe.
- A rolled and filleted loin of meat; also called cannon.
- A large size of type formerly used for printing the church canons, standardized as 48-point.
- The part of a bell by which it is suspended; the ear or shank of a bell.
- A carom.
canon (noun)
- A clergy member serving a cathedral or collegiate church.
- A canon regular, a member of any of several Roman Catholic religious orders.
canon (noun)
- A Near Eastern and Caucasian musical instrument related to the zither, dulcimer, or harp having either 26 strings and a single bridge, or twice that number and two bridges.