5 letter words starting with bus

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got quite a few plausible five letter words starting with bus.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of busby

busby (noun)

  1. A fur hat, usually with a plume in the front, worn by certain members of the military or brass bands.

Definition of bused

bused (verb)

  1. To transport via a motor bus.
  2. To transport students to school, often to a more distant school for the purposes of achieving racial integration.
  3. To travel by bus.
  4. (food service) To clear meal remains from.
  5. (food service) To work at clearing the remains of meals from tables or counters; to work as a busboy.

Definition of bushy

bushy (adjective)

  1. Like a bush in having many widely spread branches.
  2. Growing thickly.
  3. (Racial slur) Derogatory word used to refer to Afro-textured Hair.

Definition of busks

busks (noun)

  1. A strip of metal, whalebone, wood, or other material, worn in the front of a corset to stiffen it.
  2. (by extension) A corset.

busks (verb)

  1. To prepare; to make ready; to array; to dress.
  2. To go; to direct one's course.

busks (verb)

  1. To solicit money by entertaining the public in the street or in public transport
  2. To tack, cruise about.

Definition of busty

busty (adjective)

  1. Having large breasts.