5 letter words starting with bum

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got a few plausible five letter words starting with bum.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of bumph

bumph (noun)

  1. Toilet paper.
  2. Useless papers; now especially official documents, standardized forms, sales and marketing print material, etc.

Definition of bumps

bumps (noun)

  1. A light blow or jolting collision.
  2. The sound of such a collision.
  3. A protuberance on a level surface.
  4. A swelling on the skin caused by illness or injury.
  5. One of the protuberances on the cranium which, in phrenology, are associated with distinct faculties or affections of the mind. Also (metonymically) the faculty itself
  6. The point, in a race in which boats are spaced apart at the start, at which a boat begins to overtake the boat ahead.
  7. The swollen abdomen of a pregnant woman.
  8. A post in an Internet forum thread made in order to raise the thread's profile by returning it to the top of the list of active threads.
  9. A temporary increase in a quantity, as shown in a graph.
  10. A dose of a drug such as ketamine or cocaine, when snorted recreationally.
  11. The noise made by the bittern; a boom.
  12. (preceded by definite article) A disco dance in which partners rhythmically bump each other's hips together.
  13. In skipping, a single jump over two consecutive turns of the rope.
  14. A coarse cotton fabric.
  15. A training match for a fighting dog.
  16. The jaw of either of the middle pockets.
  17. Music, especially played over speakers at loud volume with strong bass frequency response.

bumps (verb)

  1. To knock against or run into with a jolt.
  2. To move up or down by a step; displace.
  3. To post in an Internet forum thread in order to raise the thread's profile by returning it to the top of the list of active threads.
  4. (of a superheated liquid) To suddenly boil, causing movement of the vessel and loss of liquid.
  5. To move (a booked passenger) to a later flight because of earlier delays or cancellations.
  6. To move the time of (a scheduled event).
  7. To pick (a lock) with a repeated striking motion that dislodges the pins.
  8. To make a loud, heavy, or hollow noise; to boom.
  9. To spread out material so as to fill any desired number of pages.

Definition of bumpy

bumpy (adjective)

  1. Rough; jumpy; causing or characterized by jolts and irregular movements
  2. Covered with or full of bumps