5 letter words starting with bro

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got quite a few plausible five letter words starting with bro.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of broad

broad (noun)

  1. A shallow lake, one of a number of bodies of water in eastern Norfolk and Suffolk.
  2. A lathe tool for turning down the insides and bottoms of cylinders.
  3. A British gold coin worth 20 shillings, issued by the Commonwealth of England in 1656.

broad (adjective)

  1. Wide in extent or scope.
  2. Extended, in the sense of diffused; open; clear; full.
  3. Having a large measure of any thing or quality; unlimited; unrestrained.
  4. Comprehensive; liberal; enlarged.
  5. Plain; evident.
  6. (writing) Unsubtle; obvious.
  7. Free; unrestrained; unconfined.
  8. Gross; coarse; indelicate.
  9. (of an accent) Strongly regional.
  10. (Gaelic languages) Velarized, i.e. not palatalized.

broad (noun)

  1. A prostitute, a woman of loose morals.
  2. (sometimes obsolete) A woman or girl.

Definition of broch

broch (noun)

  1. A type of Iron Age stone tower with hollow double-layered walls found on Orkney and Shetland and parts of the Scottish mainland.

Definition of brock

brock (noun)

  1. A male badger.
  2. (possibly obsolete) A brocket, a stag between two and three years old.
  3. A dirty, stinking fellow.

brock (verb)

  1. To taunt.

Definition of bronc

bronc (noun)

  1. A bronco.

Definition of brown

brown (noun)

  1. A colour like that of chocolate or coffee.
  2. One of the colour balls used in snooker, with a value of 4 points.
  3. Black tar heroin.
  4. A copper coin.
  5. A brown horse or other animal.
  6. (sometimes capitalised) A person of Middle Eastern, Latino or South Asian descent; a brown-skinned person; someone of mulatto or biracial appearance.
  7. Any of various nymphalid butterflies of subfamily Satyrinae (formerly the family Satyridae).
  8. Any of certain species of nymphalid butterflies of subfamily Satyrinae, such as those of the genera Heteronympha and Melanitis.
  9. A brown trout (Salmo trutta).

brown (verb)

  1. To become brown.
  2. To cook something until it becomes brown.
  3. To tan.
  4. To make brown or dusky.
  5. To give a bright brown colour to, as to gun barrels, by forming a thin coating of oxide on their surface.
  6. (usually derogatory) To turn progressively more Middle Eastern, Hispanic or Latino, in the context of the population of a geographic region.
  7. To treat with deference, or respect.

brown (adjective)

  1. Having a brown colour.
  2. Gloomy.
  3. (sometimes capitalized) Of or relating to any of various ethnic groups having dark pigmentation of the skin.