5 letter words starting with boo

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got quite a few plausible five letter words starting with boo.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of boobs

boobs (noun)

  1. Idiot, fool.

boobs (verb)

  1. To behave stupidly; to act like a boob.
  2. To make a mistake

boobs (noun)

  1. A breast, especially that of an adult or adolescent human female.

boobs (noun)

  1. A prison; jail.

Definition of booms

booms (noun)

  1. A low-pitched, resonant sound, such as of an explosion.
  2. A rapid expansion or increase.
  3. One of the calls of certain monkeys or birds.

booms (verb)

  1. To make a loud, hollow, resonant sound.
  2. (of speech) To exclaim with force, to shout, to thunder.
  3. To make something boom.
  4. To publicly praise.
  5. To rush with violence and noise, as a ship under a press of sail, before a free wind.

booms (noun)

  1. A spar extending the foot of a sail; a spar rigged outboard from a ship's side to which boats are secured in harbour.
  2. A movable pole used to support a microphone or camera.
  3. A horizontal member of a crane or derrick, used for lifting.
  4. The longest element of a Yagi antenna, on which the other, smaller ones are transversally mounted.
  5. A floating barrier used to obstruct navigation, for military or other purposes; or used for the containment of an oil spill or to control the flow of logs from logging operations.
  6. A wishbone-shaped piece of windsurfing equipment.
  7. The section of the arm on a backhoe closest to the tractor.
  8. A gymnastics apparatus similar to a balance beam.

booms (verb)

  1. To extend, or push, with a boom or pole.
  2. (usually with "up" or "down") To raise or lower with a crane boom.

booms (noun)

  1. A period of prosperity, growth, progress, or high market activity.

booms (verb)

  1. To flourish, grow, or progress.
  2. To cause to advance rapidly in price.

Definition of boost

boost (noun)

  1. A push from behind, as to one who is endeavoring to climb.
  2. Something that helps, or adds power or effectiveness; assistance.
  3. (automotive engineering) A positive intake manifold pressure in cars with turbochargers or superchargers.

boost (verb)

  1. To lift or push from behind (one who is endeavoring to climb); to push up.
  2. (by extension) To help or encourage (something) to increase or improve; to assist in overcoming obstacles.
  3. To steal.
  4. To jump-start a vehicle by using cables to connect the battery in a running vehicle to the battery in a vehicle that won't start.
  5. To give a booster shot to.
  6. To amplify; to signal boost.

Definition of boots

boots (noun)

  1. A heavy shoe that covers part of the leg.
  2. A blow with the foot; a kick.
  3. A flexible cover of rubber or plastic, which may be preformed to a particular shape and used to protect a shaft, lever, switch, or opening from dust, dirt, moisture, etc.
  4. (usually preceded by definite article) A torture device used on the feet or legs, such as a Spanish boot.
  5. A parking enforcement device used to immobilize a car until it can be towed or a fine is paid; a wheel clamp.
  6. A rubber bladder on the leading edge of an aircraft’s wing, which is inflated periodically to remove ice buildup. A deicing boot.
  7. A place at the side of a coach, where attendants rode; also, a low outside place before and behind the body of the coach.
  8. A place for baggage at either end of an old-fashioned stagecoach.
  9. (police) A recently arrived recruit; a rookie.
  10. The luggage storage compartment of a sedan or saloon car.
  11. The act or process of removing or firing someone (give someone the boot).
  12. Unattractive person, ugly woman (usually as "old boot")
  13. A hard plastic case for a long firearm, typically moulded to the shape of the gun and intended for use in a vehicle.
  14. A bobbled ball.
  15. The inflated flag leaf sheath of a wheat plant.

boots (verb)

  1. To kick.
  2. To put boots on, especially for riding.
  3. To apply corporal punishment (compare slippering).
  4. To forcibly eject.
  5. To disconnect forcibly; to eject from an online service, conversation, etc.
  6. To vomit.
  7. (criminal slang) To shoot, to kill by gunfire.

boots (noun)

  1. Remedy, amends.
  2. Profit, plunder.
  3. That which is given to make an exchange equal, or to make up for the deficiency of value in one of the things exchanged; compensation; recompense.
  4. Profit; gain; advantage; use.
  5. Repair work; the act of fixing structures or buildings.
  6. A medicinal cure or remedy.

boots (verb)

  1. To avail, benefit, profit.
  2. To benefit, to enrich; to give in addition.

boots (noun)

  1. The act or process of bootstrapping; the starting or re-starting of a computing device.

boots (verb)

  1. To bootstrap; to start a system, e.g. a computer, by invoking its boot process or bootstrap.

boots (noun)

  1. A bootleg recording.

boots (noun)

  1. A servant at a hotel etc. who cleans and blacks the boots and shoes.