5 letter words starting with boo

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got quite a few plausible five letter words starting with boo.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of books

books (noun)

  1. A collection of sheets of paper bound together to hinge at one edge, containing printed or written material, pictures, etc.
  2. A long work fit for publication, typically prose, such as a novel or textbook, and typically published as such a bound collection of sheets, but now sometimes electronically as an e-book.
  3. A major division of a long work.
  4. A record of betting (from the use of a notebook to record what each person has bet).
  5. A convenient collection, in a form resembling a book, of small paper items for individual use.
  6. The script of a musical or opera.
  7. (usually in the plural) Records of the accounts of a business.
  8. A book award, a recognition for receiving the highest grade in a class (traditionally an actual book, but recently more likely a letter or certificate acknowledging the achievement).
  9. (whist) Six tricks taken by one side.
  10. Four of a kind
  11. A document, held by the referee, of the incidents happened in the game.
  12. (by extension) A list of all players who have been booked (received a warning) in a game.
  13. The twenty-sixth Lenormand card.
  14. Any source of instruction.

books (verb)

  1. To reserve (something) for future use.
  2. To write down, to register or record in a book or as in a book.
  3. (law enforcement) To record the name and other details of a suspected offender and the offence for later judicial action.
  4. To issue with a caution, usually a yellow card, or a red card if a yellow card has already been issued.
  5. To travel very fast.
  6. To record bets as bookmaker.
  7. (law student slang) To receive the highest grade in a class.
  8. To leave.

Definition of booms

booms (noun)

  1. A low-pitched, resonant sound, such as of an explosion.
  2. A rapid expansion or increase.
  3. One of the calls of certain monkeys or birds.

booms (verb)

  1. To make a loud, hollow, resonant sound.
  2. (of speech) To exclaim with force, to shout, to thunder.
  3. To make something boom.
  4. To publicly praise.
  5. To rush with violence and noise, as a ship under a press of sail, before a free wind.

booms (noun)

  1. A spar extending the foot of a sail; a spar rigged outboard from a ship's side to which boats are secured in harbour.
  2. A movable pole used to support a microphone or camera.
  3. A horizontal member of a crane or derrick, used for lifting.
  4. The longest element of a Yagi antenna, on which the other, smaller ones are transversally mounted.
  5. A floating barrier used to obstruct navigation, for military or other purposes; or used for the containment of an oil spill or to control the flow of logs from logging operations.
  6. A wishbone-shaped piece of windsurfing equipment.
  7. The section of the arm on a backhoe closest to the tractor.
  8. A gymnastics apparatus similar to a balance beam.

booms (verb)

  1. To extend, or push, with a boom or pole.
  2. (usually with "up" or "down") To raise or lower with a crane boom.

booms (noun)

  1. A period of prosperity, growth, progress, or high market activity.

booms (verb)

  1. To flourish, grow, or progress.
  2. To cause to advance rapidly in price.

Definition of booze

booze (noun)

  1. Any alcoholic beverage.
  2. A session of drinking alcohol; a drinking party.

booze (verb)

  1. To drink alcohol.