5 letter words starting with blo

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got quite a few plausible five letter words starting with blo.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of blobs

blobs (noun)

  1. Acronym of binary large object. (a data type that allows storage of binary data often of indeterminate length).

blobs (noun)

  1. A shapeless or amorphous mass; a vague shape or amount, especially of a liquid or semisolid substance; a clump, group or collection that lacks definite shape.
  2. In astronomy, a large cloud of gas. In particular, an extended Lyman-Alpha blob is a huge body of gas that may be the precursor to a galaxy.
  3. A bubble; a bleb.
  4. A small freshwater fish (Cottus bairdii); the miller's thumb.
  5. The partially inflated air bag used in the sport of blobbing.
  6. A score of zero.

blobs (verb)

  1. To drop in the form of a blob or blobs
  2. To drop a blob or blobs onto, cover with blobs.
  3. To fall in the form of a blob or blobs.
  4. To relax idly and mindlessly; to veg out.

Definition of blocs

blocs (noun)

  1. A group of voters or politicians who share common goals.
  2. A group of countries acting together for political or economic goals, an alliance: e.g., the eastern bloc, the western bloc, a trading bloc, the Eurozone, the European Union.

Definition of blots

blots (noun)

  1. A blemish, spot or stain made by a coloured substance.
  2. (by extension) A stain on someone's reputation or character; a disgrace.
  3. A method of transferring proteins, DNA or RNA, onto a carrier.
  4. An exposed piece in backgammon.

blots (verb)

  1. To cause a blot (on something) by spilling a coloured substance.
  2. To soak up or absorb liquid.
  3. To dry (writing, etc.) with blotting paper.
  4. To spot, stain, or bespatter, as with ink.
  5. To impair; to damage; to mar; to soil.
  6. To stain with infamy; to disgrace.
  7. To obliterate, as writing with ink; to cancel; to efface; generally with out.
  8. To obscure; to eclipse; to shadow.