5 letter words starting with blo

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got quite a few plausible five letter words starting with blo.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of bloat

bloat (noun)

  1. Distention of the abdomen from death.
  2. Pathological overdistention of rumen with gas in a ruminant.
  3. Wasteful use of space or other resources.
  4. A worthless, dissipated fellow.

bloat (verb)

  1. To cause to become distended.
  2. (veterinary medicine) to get an overdistended rumen, talking of a ruminant.
  3. To fill soft substance with gas, water, etc.; to cause to swell.
  4. To become distended; to swell up.
  5. To fill with vanity or conceit.
  6. To preserve by slightly salting and lightly smoking.

bloat (adjective)

  1. Bloated.

Definition of blogs

blogs (noun)

  1. A website that allows users to reflect, share opinions, and discuss various topics in the form of an online journal, sometimes letting readers comment on their posts. Most blogs are written in a slightly informal tone (personal journals, news, businesses, etc.)
  2. An individual post to a blog.

blogs (verb)

  1. To contribute to a blog.

blogs (verb)

  1. To blag, to steal something; to acquire something illegally.

blogs (verb)

  1. To look sullen or sulky

Definition of bloke

bloke (noun)

  1. A man, a fellow; an ordinary man, a man on the street.
  2. A man who behaves in a particularly laddish or overtly heterosexual manner.
  3. (A lower deck term for) the Captain or Executive Officer of a warship, with particular reference to discipline and punishment.
  4. An exemplar of a certain masculine, independent male archetype.
  5. An anglophone man.

Definition of bloom

bloom (noun)

  1. A blossom; the flower of a plant; an expanded bud.
  2. Flowers, collectively.
  3. The opening of flowers in general; the state of blossoming or of having the flowers open.
  4. A state or time of beauty, freshness, and vigor; an opening to higher perfection, analogous to that of buds into blossoms.
  5. Rosy colour; the flush or glow on a person's cheek.
  6. The delicate, powdery coating upon certain growing or newly-gathered fruits or leaves, as on grapes, plums, etc.
  7. Anything giving an appearance of attractive freshness.
  8. The clouded appearance which varnish sometimes takes upon the surface of a picture.
  9. A yellowish deposit or powdery coating which appears on well-tanned leather.
  10. A bright-hued variety of some minerals.
  11. A white area of cocoa butter that forms on the surface of chocolate when warmed and cooled.
  12. An undesirable halo effect that may occur when a very bright region is displayed next to a very dark region of the screen.

bloom (verb)

  1. To cause to blossom; to make flourish.
  2. To bestow a bloom upon; to make blooming or radiant.
  3. Of a plant, to produce blooms; to open its blooms.
  4. Of a person, business, etc, to flourish; to be in a state of healthful, growing youth and vigour; to show beauty and freshness.
  5. (Cooking) To bring out the flavor of a spice by cooking it in oil.

bloom (noun)

  1. The spongy mass of metal formed in a furnace by the smelting process.