5 letter words starting with bli

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got quite a few plausible five letter words starting with bli.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of blimp

blimp (noun)

  1. An airship constructed with a non-rigid lifting agent container.
  2. (by extension) Any large airborne inflatable.
  3. An obese person.
  4. A person similar to the cartoon character Colonel Blimp; a pompous, reactionary British man.

blimp (verb)

  1. To expand like a blimp or balloon; to become fat.

Definition of blink

blink (noun)

  1. The act of very quickly closing both eyes and opening them again.
  2. The time needed to close and reopen one's eyes.
  3. A text formatting feature that causes text to disappear and reappear as a form of visual emphasis.
  4. A glimpse or glance.
  5. Gleam; glimmer; sparkle
  6. The dazzling whiteness about the horizon caused by the reflection of light from fields of ice at sea; iceblink
  7. (in the plural) Boughs cast where deer are to pass, in order to turn or check them.
  8. An ability that allows teleporting, mostly for short distances

blink (verb)

  1. To close and reopen both eyes quickly.
  2. To flash on and off at regular intervals.
  3. To perform the smallest action that could solicit a response.
  4. To shut out of sight; to evade; to shirk.
  5. To trick; to deceive.
  6. To turn slightly sour, or blinky, as beer, milk, etc.
  7. To teleport, mostly for short distances.

Definition of blips

blips (verb)

  1. To emit one or more bleeps.
  2. To edit out inappropriate spoken language in a broadcast by replacing offending words with bleeps.

blips (noun)

  1. A small dot registered on electronic equipment, such as a radar or oscilloscope screen.
  2. A short sound of a single pitch, usually electronically generated.
  3. (by extension) A brief and usually minor aberration or deviation from what is expected or normal.
  4. An individual message or document in the Google Wave software framework.

blips (verb)

  1. To change state abruptly, such as between off and on or dark and light, sometimes implying motion.

Definition of bliss

bliss (noun)

  1. Perfect happiness