5 letter words starting with bla

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got quite a few plausible five letter words starting with bla.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of black

black (noun)

  1. The colour/color perceived in the absence of light, but also when no light is reflected, but rather absorbed.
  2. A black dye or pigment.
  3. A pen, pencil, crayon, etc., made of black pigment.
  4. (in the plural) Black cloth hung up at funerals.
  5. (sometimes capitalised) A person of African, Aborigine, or Maori descent; a dark-skinned person.
  6. Blackness, the condition of having dark skin.
  7. The black ball.
  8. The edge of home plate.
  9. A type of firecracker that is really more dark brown in colour.
  10. Blackcurrant syrup (in mixed drinks, e.g. snakebite and black, cider and black).
  11. (in chess and similar games) The person playing with the black set of pieces.
  12. Something, or a part of a thing, which is black.
  13. A stain; a spot.
  14. A dark smut fungus, harmful to wheat.
  15. Marijuana.

black (verb)

  1. To make black; to blacken.
  2. To apply blacking to (something).
  3. To boycott, usually as part of an industrial dispute.

black (adjective)

  1. (of an object) Absorbing all light and reflecting none; dark and hueless.
  2. (of a place, etc) Without light.
  3. (sometimes capitalized) Of or relating to any of various ethnic groups having dark pigmentation of the skin.
  4. Designated for use by those ethnic groups which have dark pigmentation of the skin.
  5. (of a card) Of the spades or clubs suits. Compare red
  6. Bad; evil; ill-omened.
  7. Expressing menace, or discontent; threatening; sullen.
  8. (of objects, markets, etc) Illegitimate, illegal or disgraced.
  9. Overcrowded.
  10. (of coffee or tea) Without any cream, milk or creamer.
  11. Of or relating to the playing pieces of a board game deemed to belong to the "black" set (in chess the set used by the player who moves second) (often regardless of the pieces' actual colour).
  12. Said of a symbol or character that is solid, filled with color. Compare white.
  13. Related to the Christian Democratic Union of Germany.
  14. Clandestine; relating to a political, military, or espionage operation or site, the existence or details of which is withheld from the general public.
  15. Occult; relating to something (such as mystical or magical knowledge) which is unknown to or kept secret from the general public.
  16. Protestant, often with the implication of being militantly pro-British or anti-Catholic
  17. Having one or more features (hair, fur, armour, clothes, bark, etc) that is dark (or black); in taxonomy, especially: dark in comparison to another species with the same base name.
  18. Foul; dirty.

Definition of blame

blame (noun)

  1. Censure.
  2. Culpability for something negative or undesirable.
  3. Responsibility for something meriting censure.
  4. A source control feature that can show which user was responsible for a particular portion of the source code.

blame (verb)

  1. To censure (someone or something); to criticize.
  2. To bring into disrepute.
  3. (usually followed by "for") To assert or consider that someone is the cause of something negative; to place blame, to attribute responsibility (for something negative or for doing something negative).

Definition of blank

blank (noun)

  1. A small French coin, originally of silver, afterwards of copper, worth 5 deniers; also a silver coin of Henry V current in the parts of France then held by the English, worth about 8 pence .
  2. A nonplus .
  3. The white spot in the centre of a target; hence the object to which anything is directed or aimed, the range of such aim .
  4. A lot by which nothing is gained; a ticket in a lottery on which no prize is indicated .
  5. An empty space; a void, for example on a paper .
  6. (now chiefly U.S.) A document, paper, or form with spaces left blank to be filled up at the pleasure of the person to whom it is given (e.g. a blank charter, ballot, form, contract, etc.), or as the event may determine; a blank form .
  7. Blank verse .
  8. A piece of metal (such as a coin, screw, nuts), cut and shaped to the required size of the thing to be made, and ready for the finishing operations; (coining) the disc of metal before stamping .
  9. A vacant space, place, or period; a void .
  10. The 1 / 230400 of a grain .
  11. An empty space in one's memory; a forgotten item or memory .
  12. A dash written in place of an omitted letter or word
  13. The space character; the character resulting from pressing the space-bar on a keyboard.
  14. A domino without points on one or both of its divisions.
  15. Short for blank cartridge. .
  16. (in the expression ‘shooting blanks’) An ineffective effort which achieves nothing .

blank (verb)

  1. To make void; to erase.
  2. To ignore (a person) deliberately.
  3. To prevent from scoring, for example in a sporting event.
  4. To become blank.
  5. To be temporarily unable to remember.

blank (adjective)

  1. White or pale; without colour.
  2. Free from writing, printing, or marks; having an empty space to be filled in
  3. Scoreless; without any goals or points.
  4. Lacking characteristics which give variety; uniform.
  5. Absolute; downright; sheer.
  6. Without expression.
  7. Utterly confounded or discomfited.
  8. Empty; void; without result; fruitless.
  9. Devoid of thoughts, memory, or inspiration.
  10. Of ammunition: having propellant but no bullets; unbulleted.

Definition of blase

blase (adjective)

  1. Unimpressed with something because of over-familiarity.