5 letter words starting with big

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got a few plausible five letter words starting with big.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of bigha

bigha (noun)

  1. A measure of land in India, varying from a third of an acre to an acre.

Definition of bight

bight (noun)

  1. A corner, bend, or angle; a hollow
  2. An area of sea lying between two promontories, larger than a bay, wider than a gulf
  3. A bend or curve in a coastline, river, or other geographical feature.
  4. A curve in a rope

Definition of bigly

bigly (adverb)

  1. In a big way, greatly; to a great extent, on a large scale.
  2. Strongly, with great force.
  3. In a blustering or boastful manner; haughtily, pompously.

bigly (adjective)

  1. Habitable, liveable; hence delightful, pleasant, pleasing.

Definition of bigot

bigot (noun)

  1. One who is narrow-mindedly devoted to one's own ideas and groups, and intolerant of (people of) differing ideas, races, genders, religions, politics, etc.
  2. One who is overly pious in matters of religion, often hypocritically or else superstitiously so.