5 letter words starting with ber

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got quite a few plausible five letter words starting with ber.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of berko

berko (adjective)

  1. Mad; crazy

Definition of berks

berks (noun)

  1. (sometimes affectionate) A fool, prat, twit.
  2. Cunt.

Definition of berry

berry (noun)

  1. A small succulent fruit, of any one of many varieties.
  2. A soft fruit which develops from a single ovary and contains seeds not encased in pits.
  3. A coffee bean.
  4. One of the ova or eggs of a fish.
  5. (African American) A police car.
  6. A dollar.

berry (verb)

  1. To pick berries.
  2. To bear or produce berries.

berry (noun)

  1. A mound; a barrow.

berry (noun)

  1. A burrow, especially a rabbit's burrow.
  2. An excavation; a military mine.

berry (verb)

  1. To beat; give a beating to; thrash.
  2. To thresh (grain).

Definition of berth

berth (noun)

  1. A fixed bunk for sleeping (in caravans, trains, etc).
  2. Room for maneuvering or safety. (Often used in the phrase a wide berth.)
  3. A space for a ship to moor or a vehicle to park.
  4. A room in which a number of the officers or ship's company mess and reside.
  5. A job or position, especially on a ship.
  6. Position or seed in a tournament bracket.
  7. Position on the field of play

berth (verb)

  1. To bring (a ship or vehicle) into its berth