5 letter words starting with awa

Looking for a clue for todays Wordle or another Word game? Look no further! We got you covered. We got quite a few plausible five letter words starting with awa.


Sometimes the solution is an uncommon word, then It’s time to learn something new. Here’s the definition of a few of these words:

Definition of await

await (noun)

  1. A waiting for; ambush.
  2. Watching, watchfulness, suspicious observation.

await (verb)

  1. To wait for.
  2. To expect.
  3. To be in store for; to be ready or in waiting for.
  4. To serve or attend; to wait on, wait upon.
  5. To watch, observe.
  6. To wait; to stay in waiting.

Definition of award

award (noun)

  1. A judgment, sentence, or final decision. Specifically: The decision of arbitrators in a case submitted.
  2. The paper containing the decision of arbitrators; that which is warded.
  3. A trophy or medal; something that denotes an accomplishment, especially in a competition. A prize or honor based on merit.
  4. (Australia, NZ, industrial relations) A negotiated minimum wage that is set for a particular trade or industry; an industrial award.

award (verb)

  1. To give by sentence or judicial determination; to assign or apportion, after careful regard to the nature of the case; to adjudge
  2. To determine; to make or grant an award.
  3. To give (an award).
  4. To give (a person) an award.

Definition of aware

aware (adjective)

  1. Vigilant or on one's guard against danger or difficulty.
  2. Conscious or having knowledge of something.

Definition of awash

awash (adjective)

  1. Washed by the waves or tide (of a rock or strip of shore, or of an anchor, etc., when flush with the surface of the water, so that the waves break over it); covered with water.
  2. (by extension) Covered, overspread (with or in something).